PA = Public Admin
BAF = Banking and Finance.
MK = Marketing.
AE = Agriculture Engineering.
MC = Mass Comm.
URP = Urban Reg. Plan

1. 001 O/L English Only  
2. 002 O/L Maths Only  
3. 003 O/L English and Maths  
4. 004 Acct, Bus. Mgt., A/L Maths. Acct; Bus. Admin., PA, BAF, MK
5. 005 Acct, Bus. Mgt., Econs Acct; Bus. Admin., Econs, PA, BAF, MK
6. 006 Acct, Bus. Mgt., Geog. Acct; Bus. Admin., PA, BAF, MK
7. 007 Acct, Bus. Mgt., Govt. Acct; Bus. Admin., PA, BAF, MK
8. 008 Acct, Bus. Mgt., Socio Acct; Bus. Admin., Sociol, PA, BAF, MK
9. 009 Acct, Econs, Geog. Acct; Bus. Admin., Econs, PA, BAF, MK, URP
10. 010 Acct, Econs, Govt. Acct; Bus. Admin., Econs, PA, BAF, MK, MC
11. 011 Acct, Econs, Sociol. Acct; Bus. Admin., Econs., Sociol., PA, BAF
12. 012 Acct., Geog., A/L Maths. Acct; Bus. Admin., Geog., PA, BAF, MK, URP
13. 013 Acct., Geog., Govt. Acct; Bus. Admin., Geog., PA, BAF, MK
14. 014 Acct., Geog., Sociol., Acct., Bus. Admin., Sociol., Mass Com.; PA., BAF, MK.
15. 015 Acct., Govt., A/L Maths. Acct; Bus. Admin., PA, BAF, MK
16. 016 Acct., Govt., Sociol., Acct., Bus. Admin., Sociol., Pol. Sci.; Inter. Studies; PA., BAF, MK, Mass Com.
17. 017 Arabic; French; CRS Single Honours
18. 018 Arabic; French; IS Single Honours
19. 019 Arabic, Govt., Hausa Pol. Sc.; Inter. Studies; Mass Com., Single Honours
20. 020 Arabic; Govt; Isl. St. Pol. Sc.; Inter. Studies; Mass Com., Single Honours
21. 021 Arabic., Hausa; Hist. Archaeology (ABU); Mass Com., Pol. Sc., Inter. Science, Single Honours
22. 022 Arabic., Hausa; Isl. St. Single Honours
23. 023 Arabic, Hausa; Lit.; Law, Single Honours.
24. 024 Arabic., Hist; Isl. St. Law, Pol. Sc., Archeology, Single Hononurs
25 025 Arabic.,Hist; Lit. Law, Single Honours., MC., Pol. Sci., Inter Studies., Archeology
26. 026 Biol; Chem; A/L Maths Medicine, Vet. Medicine, Pharmacy, Biochem., Micro biology, Agricultural Sci., Tex Sc., Single Honours
27. 027 Biol; Chem; Geog., Agric Sc.; Archeology, Biochem.; Micro Biology, Physiology, Single Honours
28. 028 Bio; Chem; Geol, Single Honours in any of three subject, Biochem, Micro biology, Physiology, Single honours
29 029 Bio; Chem., Physics Medicine, Vet. Medicine, Agric. Sc., Engineering, Textile Sci., and Technology, Pharmacy, Biochem., Geophysics, Archeology, Micro Biology, Single Honours
30. 030 Bus. Mgt., Econs., A/l Maths Bus. Admin., Econs, Acct., URP, BAF, MK
31. 031 Bus. Mgt., Econs., Geog. Bus. Admin., Econs, Acct., URP, BAF, MK
32. 032 Bus. Mgt., Econs., Govt. Bus. Admin., Econs, Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, public Admin., Mass Com., Acct., BAF, MK
33. 033 Bus. Mgt., Econs.,Sociology Bus. Admin., Single Honours, Acct., PA, BAF
34. 034 Bus. Mgt., Geog., A/L Maths Bus. Admin., Environmental sciences, Acct., PA, BAF, MK
35. 035 Bus. Mgt., Geog., Govt. Bus. Admin., Public Admin.,, Acct., BAF, MK
36. 036 Bus. Mgt., Geog., Sociology Bus. Admin., Sociology, Acct., PA, BAF, MK
37. 037 Bus. Mgt., Govt., Sociology Bus. Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin., Acct., BAF, MK
38. 038 Chem., Geog., A/L Maths Envl Sc., Agric. Science, Archeology, Textile Sci., Single Honours
39. 039 Chem., Geog., Physics Envl Sc., Agric. Science, Archeology, Textile Sci., Single Honours
40. 040 Chem., Geol., A/L Maths Envl Sc., Agric. Science, Archeology, Textile Sci.
41. 041 Chem., Geol., physics Envl Sc., Agric. Science, Archeology, Textile Sci., Single Honours
42. 042 Chem., Physics, A/L Maths Envl Sc., Agric Science, Text Sc., Engr., Comp Sc., Geophysics, Single Honours
43. 043 CRS, Govt., Hausa Single Honours, Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin., Mass Com
44. 044 CRS, Govt., Lit Single Honours, Law, B. Sc. Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin., Mass Com
45. 045 CRS, Hausa, Hist. Single Honours, Archeology (ABU), Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin., Mass Com
46. 046 CRS, Hausa., Lit Single Honours, Law
47. 047 CRS, Hist.,, Lit Single Honours, Law, Archeology (ABU), Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Mass Com
48. 048 Econs; Geog., A/L Maths Envl Sc., URP, Single Honours, Acct, BAF, PA, MK
49. 049 Econs; Geog., Govt. URP, Single Honours, Acct, BAF, PA, MK, MC
50. 050 Econs; Geog., Sociology URP, Single Honours in all three Subject, Acct, BAF, PA
51. 051 Econs; Govt., A/L Maths Single Honours, Acct, BAF, PA, Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, Mass Com., Econs
52. 052 Econs, Govt., Sociology Econs, Single Honours, Acct, BAF, PA, Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, Mass Com., Econs, Sociology.
53. 053 French, Govt., CRS Single Honours, Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin.
54. 054 French, Govt., IS Single Honours, Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin.
55. 055 French, Lit., Hausa Single Honours, Law, MC
56. 056 French, Hist., CRS Single Honours, Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin., Archeology
57 057 French, Hist., IRS Single Honours, Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin., Archeology
58. 058 French, Hist., Lit Single Honours, Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin., Law, MC, Archeology
59. 059 Geog., Govt., A/L Maths Envl. Sc., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, Geog., Public Admin.
60. 060 Geog., Govt., Sociology URP, Sociology, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Geog., Inter Studies
61. 061 Geog., Hist., Sociology Single Honours, Sociology, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies
62. 062 Geog., Physics, A/L Maths Single Honours, Envl. Sc., Engr. (Not Chemical Engr), Comp. Sc.
63 063. Geol., Physics, A/L Maths Single Honours, Envl. Sc., Engr., Archeology(Ibadan), Comp. Sc.
64. 064 Govt., Hausa, IS Single Honours, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies
65. 065 Govt., IS., Lit Single Honours, Archeology, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, Law, MC
66. 066 Hausa, Hist., Lit. Single Honours, Archeology, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, Law, MC
67. 067 Hausa, IS, Hist. Single Honours,, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies
68. 068 Hausa, IS, Lit Single Honours, Law
69. 069 Hist., IS., Lit. Single Honours, Archeology, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, Law, MC
70. 070 Sociology, Arabic, Lit Single Honours, Law, MC
71. 071 Sociology, French, Lit Single Honours, Law, MC
72. 072 Sociology, Hausa, Lit Single Honours, Law, MC
73. 073 Sociology, Yoruba, Lit Single Honours, LLB Law,B. Sc. Sociology
74. 074 Yoruba, French, CRS Single Honours
75. 075 Yoruba, French, IS Single Honours
76. 076 Yoruba, CRS, Govt. Single Honours,, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies
77. 077 Yoruba, CRS, Lit. Single Honours
78. 078 Yoruba, Govt., Lit Single Honours,, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, MC
79. 079 Yoruba, IS, Lit. Single Honours, Law
80. 080 Yoruba, IS, Govt. Single Honours,, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, MC

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